Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions?

why do we make these things every year?
             only to be disappointed at the end of the year!
                         that is, if we even can remember what we said we are going to do.

Exactly WHAT is a RESOLUTION?  Do most of us even have a clue what the true meaning of the word is? 
                                         res·o·lu·tion [ rèzzə loosh'n ]

process of resolving:
     the process of resolving something such as a problem or dispute
      a firm decision to do something

So we all are just making a decision to be firm about something on January first only to be a limp noodle by the end of the year.  Sounds like ... fun? but .......

you know we have all said....
   lose 50 pds (less or more)                        
               be a better person
read the Bible more
                stop a habit
eat healthier
             eat out less
get more rest
         read that book you bought ten years ago
pay this or that bill
            save more money
etc. etc. etc!

So I am going to take the the time now and post my resolutions....My firm decision to stop something.... only these I will still be firmly planted in by the end of the year (prayfully).

...pray daily and seek Him daily

... rest more
...clean less
...enjoy life
...start something new
...scrapbook monthly

really on those I think I am good ....

so here are the ones I won't beat my self up if I don't accomplish before 12*31*12
  • lose weight 52 pounds.  more is better
  • be a nicer kinder person. some say i should do this
  • read the Bible cover to cover
  • stop biting my nails
  • save more money. or should i just say spend less money
  • plan at least one party and charge the person for my plans
  • keep stuff listed on my etsy account.
  • find a way to go back to college.
  • use my powers for good and not evil
  • stop being so lazy
  • take time to be with zoey once a month. Mommy Daughter time
  • travel to Disney or Chicago
Ok well I guess that is about it...I will let you now which ones of these were a success!

Happy New Year! 2011!
Are you Ready for the Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?            
                      If no, I challenge you to make that your resolution!
To meet HIM!
                       To know HIM!
                                                  and accept HIM into your heart!

It resolution that you will only have to make once!