Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's  been almost six years since Jeff walked out of my life. 
Friends of mine have been divorced for shorter periods of time.
and..... they are in relationships.

Here is what I wonder...WHY not me? Why am I still without a special person in my life?
I know at first I set my priorities on Zoey, which in no way am I sorry I did. She needed me to be there for her and I was. Well now she is becoming more independent and I think it would be nice to have a date or two. And honestly, I needed time to heal from the hurt of my divorce.

I am in a box. I have high standards. I am guarded. I am afraid.
I know those are hinderances. How does one get past those things to even get a date?

I know what I want ....
A Godly man, not just someone who calls themselves a Christian.
One with no kids younger than mine,
Perfect age 42-47. And maybe older.
A career, not just a job.
His own home.
Someone who gets me and my sense of humor.
Someone funny.
Someone witty.
Someone who likes Mexican food as much as I like it.
and the list can go on and on....

So where is he? Why haven't I meet him yet? and where do I meet him?
I just would like to stop wondering if I am going to be alone the rest of my life. or if this is my life, a life of alone ness.