Sunday, July 25, 2010


it is amazing how perspective changes in an twinkling of an eye.
july 3 was my moment. i woke with a headache that was like nothing
i had ever had before. knowing that i had gone to the dr only days
before and had high bp made me even more worried. i took myself to
the er. there i was told i was dying repeatedly. it was scary. a few friends
rallied by my bed. test were done. zoey came to see me. was i going to
to be taken from her? i cried. i was scared. as death was spoken over me
life was being spoken to me. i was transported to a level one hospital.
more tests. i was alone so the only one there to speak life over me was
me. i had to advocate for my life. i had to speak to the mountain myself.
so i was praying and talking alot. test came back their results were different
from the ones preformed earlier. i know what they believed but i also know
my God and He is a healer. whether quickly or in time, He has the power.
after a week of healing i was able to see things in a different light. things aren't
important. updating FB, emails, TV, etc aren't important. relationships are great,
but the best one is the one with the Father. laying there in that bed unable to
move let me see that i needed Him and that if my relationship with him isn't
where i need it to be then i am spending that much more time getting it right
time i could be spending with Him on the matter at hand. perspective...changed
the time is now. i have heard it, seen it, read it but the saying didn't make sense
until now. thank you Lord for opening my eyes.

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